KBUU Newswire Fri July 6: Record Heat, Update on Malibu Creek Murder, Jet Pack Spooks Trancas


This is KBUU News. The headlines:

  • = 117º is the forecast high over the hill.
  • = It will nudge 100º on the beach in Malibu.
  • = 69 at Trancas Beach right now … 95 in Calabasas.
  • = Red Flag Warnings up for gusty winds … but they have largely been a no show.
  • = The city opens a cooling center at Bluffs Park.
  • = Two weeks since the murder in Malibu Canyon … the city may offer a reward. 

This is Malibu’s only local daily news. It’s the   ((((  Friday  ))) edition news … from Radio Malibu  …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.  Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


Today will be one for the record books. 

Almost all … if not all of the daily heat records across Southern California will fall today … the National Weather Service says.

Details:  http://www.radiomalibu.net/record-heat/ 


The City of Malibu has opened a cooling center at Bluffs Park.

Details: http://www.radiomalibu.net/city-opens-cooling-center/


It’s been two weeks now… since a camper in Malibu Creek State Park was shot and killed.

And the city may offer a reward for information. 

Update: http://www.radiomalibu.net/city-may-offer-5000-reward/


And one of the biggest issues to face the Malibu City Council will have a public hearing on Monday night.

The city will be taking testimony … and enacting an ordinance … about the overnight rentals … so called B and B’s.

Details:  http://www.radiomalibu.net/overnight-rental/


The city council on Monday will also finalize mortgage papers for the purchase a vacant commercial land at the Civic Center and Point Dume. 


Volunteers are searching this morning for a Malibu man named Stafford Taylor.

He has been missing since after the fireworks on July 4th.

He left a party at Malibu Cove Colony and was believed to have walked to the west on PCH. 

He looks to be in his 60s or 70s … long white hair … long goatee.

His friends are walking along the PCH searching for him this morning. 


If you thought you heard jet engines at Trancas last night, you did.

Details: http://www.radiomalibu.net/jet-pack-spooks-dog/


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

Red Flag Warnings for heat and high fire danger are up until 7 tomorrow night.

It will be ((((   sunny with record breaking heat   )))) today … highs  ((((  97    )))) beaches … ((((   117º   )))) in the Malibu mountains and canyons. 

Santa Ana Winds will be blasting over the mountains … at times and in places …   (((   at yp to 25   )))) miles per hour on the beaches … 

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    8:08   )))).

After that … (((   hot  )))) tonight … low ((((  71   )))) beaches …  ((((  73  )))) mountains and canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((  15 degrees cooler …. but still hot   )))).

At 9 am  … at Trancas it’s ((((    68   )))) degrees.

At Paradise Cove … 80.

Stunt ranch … Cornell … 96. 

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((    94   )))) .

At fire camp 8 in the hills above Las Flores … it’s 95 degrees right now. 

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   72    )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((   63     )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  3 to 6   )))) feet high …. 

((((   remnants from tropical storm Fabio from the SSW. )))) 

Those are (((( good  )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

((((( Low  tide is at 10 in the morning …

High tide is at 5:07 PM … it will be 4.5ft high.

Another low tide just before midnight.   ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

Remember…  breaking news always  goes first to the radio …  on F-M 99 point 1 over all of Malibu….

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