Last word on


Corral signal

Unless or until the city comes up with a Caltrans-approved design for a signal-controlled intersection at PCH and Corral Canyon Road that I can offer up for public scrutiny, this is my last word….

I am exasperated working to air truths without them being misrepresented. I feel like an inspector who stated there were no WMDs in Iraq, yet having our country go to war anyway. There may be seeds of good intent underlying the push for a signal, but the proof does not exist and the solution is heavy-handed!

The Malibu Times favors a signal, evidenced by the one-sided title of last week’s article: “Accident at Corral Canyon/PCH renews demand for traffic signal” and the previous coverage on March 1: “Debates resume over PCH safety.”

City decisions makers too have made up their minds while refusing to answer questions and challenges posed. They continue to cite safety when their own study found no warrants for safety, and they disregard the city’s own charter, which calls for the rejection of “suburban conveniences.”

Ask any longtime Malibu resident if this town has gotten better, and they are almost certain to bemoan the loss of beauty and rural qualities. The number of residents living on Corral Canyon Road has not significantly increased over the last 25 years, so why do we suddenly need a traffic signal to ease the hassle?

Malibu denizens, if you do not want yet another unwarranted and misguided burden on PCH, then tell your elected representatives, and sign my petition at:

Otherwise, you are helping to hammer another nail in the coffin of this once special place!

Scott Palamar