Stick to your guns


The following was addressed to Gov. Schwarzenegger: This proposed BHP LNG Terminal will discharge tons of pollutants into the atmosphere. The prevailing winds will blow the pollutants onshore to the Malibu, Oxnard and neighboring communities. It will discharge billions of gallons of deck drainage, ballast water, gray water, sanitary waste, desalination discharge, bilge water and heated water. This will adversely affect many ecosystems within a large area. Fuel leaks are inevitable and will cause additional damage. Also, the massive structure will scar the beautiful Southern California ocean views and it will be a tempting target for terrorists.

The Malibu, Oxnard and neighboring communities have spoken their opposition to the Terminal. Both the State Lands Commission and the Coastal Commission have heard them. You have told us that your goal is to insure clean coastal waters, restore ocean and coastal habitats, promote ecosystem-based management and increase ocean awareness. The announcement now of your opposition will effectively put an end to the matter. Please keep your word and do the right thing.

Adele and Henry Pollard