Are city leaders’ heads in the ground?


I am somewhat confused. Who does the “Malibu” City Council serve?

We just experienced another fire tragedy, in which several people lost their homes. I, along with several hundred other people, lost my home in the 1993 fires. Three people lost their lives in that tragedy. That was the third fire I have directly lived through and I am sure there will be more in the future. How can ‘our” council approve camping any place, where there is a natural fire hazard? It took me a long emotional recovery time and a protracted battle with an insurance company, as well as several years of aggravation with permits and contractors before I could start to put my life back together again. I fully empathize with the people who were just devastated. My heart goes out to them.

Is this council, like the ostrich, governing with their heads in the ground? Maybe it’s time to look for different people to serve our wonderful city.

Richard Feinstein