Letter: Off the Hook

Letter to the Editor

Throughout the past few months, my landline phones have been bombarded (more than 100 total) with unsolicited phone calls by persons with foreign accents, calling from a “boiler room” stating that they have “workers in the neighborhood” ready to do home improvement or repair work on my house. I tell them that I am not interested, but they keep calling. I posted a notice about this on the Nextdoor Big Rock website, and many other Big Rock residents have posted similar complaints about such calls, which may very well be a scam. 

Have any other Malibu residents received similar intrusive calls? Apparently posting your phone numbers on the Federal Trade Commission’s “Do Not Call” list does not stop these calls.

As an elected delegate to the CA Democratic Party convention, I am prepared to bring our local, state and federal elected officials into this problem if necessary. 

Ted Vaill