Measure A results


As of Tuesday evening, 11,330 (63.18%) Yes votes and 6,603 (36.82%) No votes were cast for Measure A, the parcel tax measure. The measure needs two-thirds of the votes to pass. The preliminary results do not include ballots that were mailed or dropped off at polls Tuesday.

“The stakes are enormous for Malibu and Santa Monica schools, our children and our community. We can only hope that the uncounted ballots will make the difference and give us the votes we need to bring badly needed local funds to our schools,” said Wendy Sidley, co-chair of the Yes on A Campaign. “Whatever the outcome of this election, we must continue our commitment to our schools and our students. Our community cannot let them down.”

Final results could be in by Thursday this week. Look online later this week for the final voting results of the parcel tax measure.

—Jonathan Friedman