Contractor Corks PCH – More Cars, Fewer Buses – Council Gets Sex Harassment Class


A contractor’s screwup on PCH costs Malibu big this morning …. huge traffic delays in both directions.

City council members get mandatory sex harassment training.

And why are there fewer buses and more cars on P-C-H?? KBUU asks Metro.

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  Thursday   ))) edition … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.

Good morning Malibu!

Construction Crew Gift: 30 Min+ Delays

Construction crews … apparently working on communications cables for wireless companies … did a major number on Pacific Coast Highway this morning.

Delays of up to 30 minutes heading east into Santa Monica …. and 15 minutes heading west out to Malibu.

No word on which company was responsible for the massive screwup …. which cost Malibu residents and coastal commuters a cumulative delay of hundreds of hours.

Mandatory Sex Harassment Class

Malibu’s city council will receive mandatory sexual harassment training next week.

A new state law requires any elected officials who receive pay …. have to go through sex harassment training.

Malibu’s city council will meet in a conference room next week to get their training.

Bill To Block Drilling Shelved

A proposal to use state law to block new offshore oil projects has been shelved in the California State Assembly.

President Donald Trump has authorized the study of allowing oil drilling in new areas off the California coast … including within sight of Malibu.

California owns the beaches and the seabed out three miles … the feds control the land beyond it.

But without state permission to lay pipelines across that three mile strip … called the tidelands … no new offshore oil project can begin on federal lands.

A state senator from Santa Barbara introduced a bill intended to block President Trumps’s new offshore drilling.

Senate Bill 1-88 would have prohibited the state from approving new leases on the seabed along the coast … which is owned by the state.

But pro-industry Democrats in the Assembly Appropriations Committee said the bill would have cost the state millions of dollars in lost leases.

It was shelved this week …. it could be resurrected … or attached to another bill.

But for now  … it’s dead.

Analysts in Sacramento say the death of S-B 188 is a loss for environmentalists … and a win for oil companies … and the Trump Administration.

Malibu Creek Tributary Clean Up 

Coastal Cleanup Day is coming up in 8 days.

And one group of volunteers will again be working on a section of creek 25 miles upriver from Malibu.

The tributary is called Madea Creek … it is a concrete flood control channel that goes under the 1-0-1 Freeway near the Kanan Road interchange.

It feeds Malibu Creek and eventually its water goes into Malibu  Lagoon…. and it’s a dump.

People trash the creek … and volunteers in Agiura Hills remove more thna a ton of trash every year from the same section of the creek.

Jeremy Wolf … a volunteer organizer … tells the Thousand Oaks Acorn that this is the fifth year that volunteers have been cleaning up the same section of creek.

Last year volunteers removed around 2,000 pounds of trash from the creek… including rugs, tables, money, hoses, shopping carts, and cigarette butts.

This year’s cleanup in Madea Creek will take place on Sat., Sept. 16.

Volunteers will meet at 9 a.m. at Kanan and Agoura roads in Agoura Hills and work until noon.

Legacy Park Weedpickers Needed 

This weekend … volunteers will be picking weeds in Legacy Park.

The city’s landmark central park … at the corner of Ciivic center at Webb way.

It has lately grown into a spectacular weed garden … in the eyes of many Malibu residents.

Abundant rains have fed a bumper crop of invasive weeds.

And many of the native plants that had been planted at Legacy Park have been killed … because a plumbing error led to salt water being sprayed on them for months.

The salt water cannot seep away because the park has a clay liner … to prevent water pollution seeping into the lagoon and bay.

The city is coming up with a plan to deal with the salt and the dead trees.

But in the meantime … the city is seeking volunteers  to help pick weeds.

The City’s naturalist staff will be on hand to help volunteers identify and remove non-native seedlings before they become established.

Students from Pepperdine University’s Step Forward Day are expected to help out.

Broad Stage Wants Beer/Wine License

In news from just down the coast … Santa Monica College is applying for  a beer and wine license at the (((BROHD))) Broad Stage performing arts center.

the college wants to allow beer and wine sales in conjunction with performances and events … and in some cases … to have beer and wine for sale in the outdoor spaces adjacent to the performance space.

The Broad Stage has sold beer and wine on a few occasions … with special permits.

The City of santa Monica says they don;t have a problem with it … zoning wise.

The Broad Stage is the performing arts center for the college district that serves Santa Monica and Malibu.

It’s at the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard at 11th Street..


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  )))).

Why is Metro Cutting Bus Service?

This week .. we’ve been looking at why Metro is cutting bus service in Malibu.

Metro bus operations director Scott Page says the reason is simple … fewer people are riding transit.

That’s in Malibu … in Los Angeles … in the United States.


“(There has been) a ridership decline of up to 19 percent over a year….

“And that’s industrywide, across the country.

“Some of our lines have fared about the same, many of them have not, they not had that much of a ridership problem.

“In the case of Line 534, and other lines, it has certainly suffered from a decrease in gasoline prices, increase in car ownership, increase in drivers licenses for the undocumented — that law changed two years ago.

“Over a million people now have drivers licenses in the State of California that are new.“

Metro’s Scott Page.

The local bus service was severely cut earlier this summer … but overcrowded buses led to a return of some buses for the summer beach season.

That’s over.

And it’s possible that Malibu bus service will get cut again.

That will mean people have to be picked up and dropped off … people like workers … students

And that means not one round trip … but two … for each P C H passenger forced off the bus.

‘Malibu’ Dragged Thru Mud. Again.

The word Malibu has become synonymous with Chevrolet cars … sweet flavored rum … a type of speedboat … sunburn control creme … and now … rehab centers.

Cntroversey is brewing in a place called Pikeville Pennsylvania … a small town in the Pocono Mountains about 75 miles west of New York City.

The owner of a tourist ranch wants to add a facility that offers therapy to people recovering from drugs or alcohol, and to those with mental health problems after they’ve completed their treatment and are certified drug-free.

The ranch would be re-named the  “Malibu Ranch Wellness Center.”

And the natives in the area are not happy …. they worry about traffic .. patients wandering the neighborhood … drug dealers making deliveries …. and whether the wellness center will drive down property values in the neighborhood.

Welcome to our world …


Traffic … 16 times every morning.

Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((     Mostly sunny, with a high near 70   )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   90   )))) in the mountains above Malibu.

Winds will be very strong.

Downcoast winds will be   (((  up to 30  )))) miles per hour this afternoon on the beach.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    7:09   )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  partly cloudy  )))) tonight … a low of  ((((   63   )))) on the beach … also ((((  63  )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((   cooler and less windy  )))).

At 9 o’clock … at Trancas it’s ((((    65   )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((     75    )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   71    )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((   70    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are  2 to 3 feet high.

Northwest wind swell mix creeps up. Minor Southern Hemisphere energy.

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   The high tide is at  10:57 … at 5 feet.

Low tide is at 4:50 this afternoon.

A 5 point 3 foot high tide will crest at 10:55 tonight.   ))))


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