Sheriff’s warning: Don’t shoot guns on New Year’s Eve

LA County Sheriffs

With gun control becoming a hot topic in recent weeks, county officials are asking residents to keep guns stashed away on New Year’s Eve and practice safe celebrations. 

As part of a joint Gunfire Reduction Campaign between several agencies including the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, leaders are trying to reduce random gunfire occurrences as 2013 arrives next Tuesday. 

The Gunfire Reduction Campaign aims to advise the community that celebrating the New Year with gunfire will not be tolerated in the County and City of Los Angeles,” a statement said. “California [law] prohibits negligent discharging of firearms. Any person who violates [it] will have their firearm confiscated and will be arrested for a felony crime.”

Sheriff’s also plan on using a new advanced tool called the Shotstopper that helps them closely approximate where a gun is fired from.