40% Of Zuma Sand Washes Out – More Details On Missing Woman – Grace Slick Says —- You To Chik-Fil-A


40 percent of the sand has eroded away from Zuma Beach this winter … as water repeatedly washes into the parking lots this winter.

More details about the search for a missing 20 year old woman … whose car turned up in Malibu.

Malibu’s Grace Slick says bleep-you to a national fast food chain over its conservative policies.


This is Malibu’s only local daily news … the Thursday edition… from Radio Malibu  … 97 point 5 K B U.

The news is on the radio … along with live Coastwatch traffic reports …  between 7 and 9:15 every weekday.

And it’s posted here every day at 9:30 or so. 

Good morning Malibu!


Sand erosion is becoming a major worry in Malibu.

Last year … El Nino caused a weather pattern that may not have brought a lot of rain .. but it brought strong lateral winds and currents from the west.

Many beaches lost sand …. but ironically …. Malibu beaches were doing fairly well.

Even in eastern Malibu … beaches were wider than seen in years.

But overall … across the state … beach erosion was serious. 

Beach erosion was the highest in more than 145 years, according a study released Tuesday by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Scientists studied 12 hundred plus mies along the West Coast from Washington to Southern California, making 3-D surface maps, GPS topographical surveys and measuring sand, wave and water levels at each beach, and published their findings online in the journal, “Nature Communications.”

Winter beach erosion on 29 beaches along the California, Oregon and Washington coasts was 76 percent above normal, “by far the highest ever recorded, and most beaches in California eroded beyond historical extremes,” according to the USGS.

This winter at Zuma Beach … 40 percent of the sand has washed away … according to estimates from lifeguards.

Water … sand and seaweed is repeatedly washing into the Zuma parking lot.

Foam and seaweed on the helipad.

The county bulldozers repeatedly reinforcing the berms … to protect the lifeguard headquarters … maintenance building … and the county parks buildings.

The beach is a mess.

Some of the sand may wash back this spring. 

Some if it will flow down the submarine canyon … the extension of Zuma Creek that cuts a deep undersea chasm in the shallow water next to the beach.

Past studies have shown that cold fresh water from local creeks continue to flow under the ocean … down to a lower thermal area .. carrying with it sand and sediment from the beach.

And all those fat sandybeaches in eastern Malibu???

Once again … they’re mostly rocks and bare of sand.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


The family of a young woman … last seen in Calabasas and whose car was discovered in Malibu … still holds out hope she will be located. 

Elaine Park disappeared more than three weeks ago. 

The family is now offering details of the 20-year-old’s last movements …. and they are offering a 5 thousand dollar reward.

Park was last seen shortly after 6 a.m. on Jan. 28 …. as she headed to her car at her former boyfriend’s Calabasas home.

Her car discovered five days later at Latigo Beach. 

Inside … her cash, laptop and cellphone.

Several searches … three weekends ago … nothing. 

The former boyfriend … named Divine Compere . has been described by Glendale police as cooperative. …

He told police that they had spent the night together …. and at 4 o’clock in the morning … she all of the sudden got up shaking and singing … and it looked like a panic attack.

The woman then reportedly left the house . but security video shows she didn’t look distressed or panicked in the video.

But Elaine Park’s mother says the video shows her walking outside … but for some reason the video stops moments later.

The mother told ABC7 News that her daughter has …. in the past … experimented with drugs.

But the station say It’s unclear if drugs were involved before she disappeared.

Elaine Park is described as 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighing about 125 pounds. 

She has tattoos on her arms.


Our KBU Newswire is posted at midmorning at the Malibu Times dot com.

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And we always cover breaking news … on the radio … at 97-5 FM in western Malibu.


County supervisor Sheila Kuehl says she is looking for a funding mechanism … a tax or fee … to improve water supplies in L-A County. 

And she says this winter’s rains should not distract us from chronic … long-term water shortages in Southern California. 

She says that recycled water, stormwater capture, groundwater, and imported water all need to be part of a sustainable and resilient water future. 

Kuehl says she intends to introduce a motion in the next few months calling for a Countywide program and funding mechanism to be developed to increase our water supplies, and protect and clean up our waterways,.


In news from way up the coast … Highway 1 through Big Sur will be closed for quite come time.

A landslide underneath a bridge has cracked support structures … the bridge at Pfieffer Canyon is damaged beyond repair and a new bridge must be built. 

The Big Sur road is closed between San Simeon and Carmel.

Stranded in the middle is Big Sur. 

Some people there have been helicoptered out.


Jefferson Airplane singer Grace Slick .. who is now a painter living here in Malibu … is in the news.

Slick has written an essay for Forbes magazine ,…. and says she is fighting for LGBTQ rights. 

The fast food chain Chick-fil-A ask her to use the 1987 hit “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” in a Grammy night commercial .

Chick-fil-A is notoriously hostile to LGBTQ.

Slick writes that she took Chik fil A’s money …. and donated it to Lambda Legal … which fights for the civil rights of lesbians, gay men and other different orientations. 

She says she first thought … quote … “F no” well he conservatively owned chain approacher her to use her music.

But then she decided to spend the cash in direct opposition to ‘Check’-fil-A’s causes.


Peak wind gust at night 34 mph at camp 8 at about 4 in the morning.

A weak weather system will bring some rain and snow to the LA County mountains through this morning, along with gusty winds to  Malibu.

Otherwise, dry and cool weather can be expected through Saturday. 

Rain and  continued cool weather … maybe … on Saturday night through early next week.


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((   sunny … high near 60  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((    58   )))) inland. 

Winds will be strong. 20 miles an hour over the mountains this morning ..… gusts to 30 possible,

 Sunset tonight is at   ((((   5:44    )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  mostly cloudy   )))) tonight … a low of  ((((  44  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   37   )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((   sunny  )))).

Right now … it’s ((((    44   )))) at Trancas.

((((    39    )))) in upper Malibu Canyon.

And it’s ((((    50   ))) at Civic center Los Angeles. 

In the ocean … it’s ((((    52    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  5 to 7  )))) feet high …. 

((((    Occasional 8 foot sets. 

There’s a fading W/WNW swell-mix. AM wind. Cooler water temps due to upwelling.)))) 

Those are ((((  poor )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((    The high tide was just after 7. 

Low tide is at 2:07 this afternoon.

A mediocre secondary high tide … at 8:30 PM.  ))))


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