Earth Warriors Demand End to Ecocide

Dr. Reese Halter Speaks At Global Animal March In Los Angeles

Last weekend, half a million people from over 136 cities around the globe marched in protest to loathsome poachers annihilating nature.

Fifteen percent of the human race, or 1.1 billion people, rise each morning to make their livelihood by killing nature

Intrepid “Earth Warriors” from every habitable continent are demanding an end to this vile ecocide.

Each day, more and more people are joining forces to protect the forests and oceans, and their elephants, rhinos, lions, sea turtles, bluefin tunas, sea horses, albatross, dolphins and whales.

Humans cannot live on this planet, our only home, without nature. We know the strength of all ecosystems depends upon its biodiversity, and that all biodiversity is interconnected.

Since 1970, Earth has lost 50 percent of its wildlife to looting.

Four hundred billion dollars a year in live and dead animal parts; including elephant tusks, rhino horns, sea turtle shells and eggs, shark fins and supplying dolphins for dolphinariums are run and profited by organized crime.

The Yakuza, Syndicate, Triad’s, Cartel and Mafia are laundering $400 billion, each year, through the international banking system.

Poachers are quickly impoverishing Earth, leaving all children a bleak chance for survival.

Write a letter to President Obama and ask him to support measures to stop poaching on the land and under the sea because it’s quickly killing our planet.

Post your letters to:

President Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC



Please learn more about Rainforest Action Network, Deforest Action, the Orangutan Project, Mission Blue, Ocean Alliance, Australia for Dolphins and Sea Shepherd Australia.

Join Earth Dr Reese Halter on his crusade to protect our planet by watching Earth Calling SOS.