Letter: The Future of LA


On Nov. 4, you have the power to decide who will be LA County’s 3rd District Supervisor — Bobby Shriver or Sheila Kuehl. 

Why should you care? For the first time in 20 years, this is a competitive race and the new Supervisor will oversee your tax money — a $26 billion budget. The new Supervisor can put LA on a course to prosperity and fiscal fitness, or to poverty with outrageous government spending. 

For the past year, I have had the honor of listening to and debating against (and with) both Shriver and Kuehl. I respect both for their dedication and service to our community, whether it be locally or in Sacramento, but they have very different leadership qualities and qualifications. 

Who will be able to reform county government? We need reform in areas involving the department of children and welfare services, the Sheriff department, the homeless, veterans, those in custody, campaign finance and pensions, to name a few. 

Who will keep government spending in check? 

Who will be able to best build and increase partnerships with businesses and nonprofits to promote economic recovery and provide public services? 

Who will implement creative smart solutions with measurable results? 

Do you want civility and professionalism in local government, or do you want a Supervisor who demeans or belittles local “part-time” office holders who try to make our communities better? 

Do you want to elect someone who will encourage others to participate in democracy, or do you want a Supervisor who discourages and attempts to “scare” others from running for office? 

Do you want a Supervisor who will cut bureaucratic red tape and work to ensure that jobs stay here in LA, or do you want a Supervisor that calls states like Nevada a “fool” for creating an environment friendly to businesses? 

I want a Supervisor who will act independently, offer innovative solutions to complex problems and who has a history of helping those in need. 

I want smaller, smarter government, not big bullying government. 

I believe Supervisor candidate Shriver will deliver not just good government, but cutting-edge government. Supervisor Shriver will make LA County a beacon of light for our state, our country and our planet, and put LA on a true-north course toward prosperity and progress. 

Who are you voting for? 

Pamela Conley Ulich