Sirens: Malibu Crime Report May 11–June 6

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between May 11 -June 6:


Trash theft

A green Universal Waste trash can was stolen from a property on Malibu Colony Road. The trash bin was estimated to cost $550 to replace. There were no cameras available for evidence. 


Surf trip 

A backpack and iPhone worth $600 were stolen from Malibu Lagoon State Beach. The victim went surfing and, upon return, the backpack and iPhone were gone. The victim used the Find my iPhone app and the phone pinged at the Adamson House Museum Property; however, the victim was unable to locate the phone. There were no security cameras in the area for evidence.  


Credit card fraud

An iPhone and designer wallet were stolen from a vehicle parked on Castlewood Drive west of Dan Blocker Beach. The victim hid the key fob near a bush, went surfing and, upon return, the key fob was missing and his vehicle was ransacked. The victim was later notified of an estimated $23,000 charges to his credit cards and an unauthorized transfer of $20,000 from his business card. The key fob was estimated to cost $500 to replace.  


Vehicle bust

A vehicle parked on Zuma Bay Way and Westward Beach Road was broken into and ransacked. The victim was walking along the beach and received a text message of an attempt purchase at a Walmart in Oxnard. The victim’s wallet, credit cards and $160 in cash were stolen from the center console. The victim said the sunroof was slightly open when they returned to their vehicle. There were no damages made to the vehicle. There were no security cameras available for evidence.