Where grammar today is at


    I was touched by your farewell tribute, “So long, Harry”. However I noticed an error in grammar, unless they have changed the rules since I was in 7th grade. I just celebrated my 50th high school reunion so that is a possibility.

    Quote “usually whenever there was a city event we were both at.” Tsk. Tsk, Mr. York. At being a preposition as is “in on of by with for from to over under at like through,” should not be used to end a sentence. I’ve never forgotten in 58 years. I’ve had a great time teaching the jingle to my children and now my grandchildren.

    Please accept this little criticism in the humor it is intended. I love your editorials. And your paper, (most of the time) I agree with your opinion.

    Barbara McKee

    Malibu resident for 47 years