Letter: Finding Motive

Letter to the Editor

In response to “$5,000 Reward Offered for Info on Malibu Creek Slaying” published on July 12.

Tristan’s background scenario is pointing toward his homicide being premeditated and accomplished by a professional. (I have relayed this information to LA Crime Stoppers and actually got a call back from Detective Morris.)

The public needs to be aware of this angle.

Given Tristan Beaudette’s skills, experience and genius, he was most probably developing a new type of safer vaccine or drug delivery product that would compete with existing vaccines or expose safety issues with existing vaccines. (Just read a vaccine insert.)

The abstract of a 2009 scientific study by Tristan in PubMed begins:

“Protein-based vaccines have been explored as a safer alternative to traditional weakened or killed whole organism based vaccination strategies and have been investigated for their ability to activate the immune system against certain cancers.” (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19415922)

Tristan had a total of 12 PubMed studies (vaxx.news/tristanpubmed).

Furthermore, Tristan had a patent with co-inventors, the assignee being Univ Southern CA [The Regents of the University of California] (vaxx.news/tristanpatent).

Pharma has a liability-free (the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Safety Act prevents vaccine manufacturers from being sued), $35 billion/year rapidly growing market requiring no advertising. (States follow the schedule set by the CDC’s 15-member Advisory Committee for Immunological Practices [ACIP].)  It would be a tremendous upheaval to Pharma if “safer” vaccines or drug delivery systems came onto the market.

I created a public Facebook group—facebook.com/groups/TristanBeaudette.

What can I do to help?

I really need more information as to where Tristan’s tent was and where his brother-in-law’s tent was, [specifically] the roads (where a car would be parked for getaway).

(I used to live in Santa Monica, 1995-2004.)

Steven Urow