Letter: Don’t Delay

Letter to the Editor

I am absolutely voting “yes” on Measure W.

I am proud to say that I want a Whole Foods market, a Shane’s Inspiration Playground and a Kitchen Community Garden for Malibu.

There was a great letter to the editor about this in last week’s edition of The Malibu Times, written by Robert Daniels, “Stick to the facts,” Sept. 24. I give him kudos for sticking to the facts. Whole Foods in the Park is not a mall. People from surrounding communities are not going to come to Malibu to shop in our half size Whole Foods — that’s just ridiculous.

But, sadly, I am used to the “naysayers” with their terrorist tactics, lies and exaggerations to try and stop a park (gardens, market and outdoor classroom) from being built. I went down this road getting Trancas Park built, which, no thanks to the “naysayers,” took me over 10 years.

I implore everybody who wants a beautifully designed, low density, highly landscaped center with a Whole Foods, an all inclusive playground and learning gardens, to come out and vote “yes” on Measure W in November.

Justine Petretti