The 2012 Malibu Times Citizens of the Year Dolphin Award winners

Arnold and Karen York

The Malibu Times Publishers Arnold and Karen York announce the 2012 Dolphin Award winners. The awards recognize contributions made by individuals or groups to the Malibu community. Those recognized are in many ways more than contributors, rather they help make up the backbone of the community. 

Misael Espinoza, Malibu’s Youth Dolphin Award winner, is an accomplished young man, a student leader and bilingual campus translator for Malibu High School students and parents. Misael is also active in campus projects such as Step Forward and Make a Wish. 

Daniel & Luciana Forge, the recently retired owners of Beaurivage Restaurant, are the recipients of the Harvey Baskin Malibu Business Award for their generous and consistent support and contributions to a multitude of community organizations over the years. 

Cantor Marcelo Gindlin co-founded and coordinates the Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue’s Hand-In-Hand Program. The program pairs students at Malibu High School with special needs Malibu teens to enjoy crafts, music, trips and training together. In addition to his cantorial accomplishments, Gindin holds several degrees in music therapy. 

John Johannessen, the Malibu Dolphin Hero Award recipient, is being recognized for his courage and quick thinking as he pulled an injured individual from a burning car on PCH and brought him to safety. He is also the founder of “Stop Our Shootings,” an organization that raises awareness of gun safety in homes with children. 

Bruce Karatz, business and community activist, contributed his extensive business acumen to support the growth of the Los Angeles nonprofit “Home Boy Industries.” The organization offers a second chance to formerly incarcerated gang members by providing job training and jobs. He also founded the Keep Your Home Foundation and is a board member of Phoenix House. 

Michael Miller and Joseph Evans, Dolphin Hero Award recipients, intervened quickly and decisively to prevent the kidnapping of a Malibu teenage girl. Recognizing that she was in danger, Miller confronted the perpetrator and when he drove away speedily called the sheriff’s department. Evans followed, relaying information, until deputies were able to stop the car and apprehend the kidnapper. 

Oscar Mondragon, the longtime manager of the Malibu Labor Exchange, has helped a multitude of day-workers by coordinating Malibu’s labor needs with the exchange’s registered workers. Mondragon is a longtime community activist dedicated to workers’ rights here and on behalf of farm workers throughout California. 

Martha Templeton has managed the Malibu Artifac Tree Thrift Store for more than 10 years. A tireless worker, for the organization, she works to raise funds through the resale of community donations at the same time providing clothing, support and assistance to many in our community in need. 

Daniel Villefort is dedicated to Malibu’s safety, serving as the director of Friends of the Arson Watch and Disaster Services, and as an active team leader of Malibu Volunteers on Patrol, which works with the sheriff’s department. 

Karen Farrer, Craig Foster and Seth Jacobson, Malibu education activists, are tireless volunteers working to improve Malibu Schools and to form an independent Malibu School District though their organization Advocates for Malibu Public Schools.