Letter: Council City Actions

Letter to the Editor

Citizens are being given a stark choice: Vote for Measure R or keep business as usual, which is having the City Council do nothing at all. 

That huge and rather valuable chunk of land isn’t going to sit vacant for much longer. Surely there are other options. For example, has anyone from the City considered some sort of land purchase/swap of the area? Malibu needs additional land for athletic fields and community centers and a bit more commercial space. A deal might be struck to get both.

It has been done before with Legacy and Charmlee Parks. Why not again? Yes, it would cost the City money upfront, but unlike Legacy, it would be offset by increased property and sales tax revenue on the remaining parcel. Mr. Soboroff and the City both get a bit less of what they want, but the outcome is assured. Malibu will be a better place without this Sword of Damocles forever hanging overhead. And who knows? Maybe if the acrimony level is dialed down, everyone might cooperate to make Malibu a better place, even if it gores their own ox a bit. 

It’s called politics and that’s what City Councils are for. Alas, we are being poorly served by the current one. They’re quite adept at putting things off, asking for staff reports, while spectating on serious City issues. They could use an infusion of leadership and problem solving right now.

Peter Higgins