Billy Moss, Local Bodybuilder, Places in WNBF Competitions

Billy Moss

Billy Moss is a little under a year away from his next bodybuilding competition, but he is already preparing for it. 

The 33-year-old is lifting weights to get his biceps, triceps and quadriceps larger. Moss, a personal trainer at Malibu Fitness, is also gorging foods heavy in carbohydrates to help him gain at least seven pounds of sculpted, lean muscles. 

All of this in anticipation of showcasing his muscular form on stage and in front of a panel of judges next summer. Moss said he enjoys the process. 

“Right now is the fun part,” he said. “I get to eat a lot of carbs after my workouts and lift as heavy as I can every day. I’m working out my arms and legs every other day for a whole year—and the other body parts between those days. That should get me the physique I want to get: a little bigger all around.” 

Moss, a bodybuilding competition participant for three years now, described the look he wanted as “X-like”: big chest, arms and legs with a tapered waist in the middle.

He finished third in the men’s bodybuilding middleweight category and fourth in the men’s physique tall category at the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation’s (WNBF) So Cal Uproar event in San Diego in August. 

Moss placed fourth in the men’s physique short category and fifth in the men’s bodybuilding lightweight category at the WNBF’s Natural Central Valley event on in Fresno last month. 

He is happy with his finishes.

“I thought I looked great up there,” Moss said. “It’s really fun to be up there and hit the bodybuilding poses.”

The WNBF showcases feature athletes—male and female—flexing their figures for a minute while wearing a minuscule amount of clothing in front of judges, who critique the participants’ muscles from head to toe. All the WNBF contestants are natural, meaning they don’t take performance enhancing drugs to give their muscles extra pop. 

Moss said he wants to move up to the heavyweight category next summer. He weighed around 165 pounds at competitions this summer, but he aims to weigh close to 185 the next time he steps on stage. 

The 2006 Malibu High School graduate shared he has always enjoyed fitness and has lifted weights heavily up to six days per week for around half a decade. Moss turned his passion into competitive bodybuilding a few years ago. 

“Bodybuilding takes you to that next level of physique, and I wanted to show that off,” he said. 

Moss finished third in the novice category at the first bodybuilding contest he participated in. He said it was a learning experience. He said his poses weren’t refined and he trimmed too much weight before the contest. Now, he knows exactly what to do. 

All of 2020’s bodybuilding contests were canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. There was limited access to gyms, so Moss set up weight lifting equipment in his backyard.  

“I worked out in the sun every day,” he said. “I wasn’t working quite as much, so I had a lot of time to do it.” 

That resulted in Moss adding seven pounds to his statuesque form. 

The two recent WNBF contests were the first events Moss had participated in in over a year. 

He flexed a variety of poses to show off his might while the Metallica song “Master of Puppets” played. Moss said he aims to show a classic bodybuilding look with splash of heavy metal flare each time he is in front of the judges. 

“It was great to be back and flex it out on stage and show off all my work,” he said. 

Judges suggested Moss work increase the size of his arms and legs before the 2021 contests. 

So now he is working out hard, drinking multiple protein shakes each day and eating healthy, but not as much animal protein as you may think.

“I’m 90 percent vegan,” he said. 

Preparing for competitions isn’t hard, Moss said. 

“It’s a lifestyle,” he said. “I like going to the gym for an hour or two and pushing as hard as I can. It’s fun for me to get on stage and show it off.”

Moss shared he wants to eventually snag a first-place finish and compete in professional contests. He also wants to be a positive influence.

“I’d like to promote a healthier version of bodybuilding and show what you can do as a natural bodybuilder,” Moss said. “I want to bring the best version of myself out and inspire others to be in shape and show you can achieve what you want through hard work.”