Malibuites race in Santa Monica 5000 to support schools

Malibu High water polo players Christine Karaghossian, Allyx Teel, Rae Jackson, Sofi Peterson, Leah Hamilton and Linda Brown take part in the Santa Monica 5000 to raise funds for their team Oct. 7.

More than 100 Malibu residents participated in the Santa Monica 5000, a race hosted by the Santa Monica-Malibu Education Foundation that raises funds for school district athletics programs, on Oct. 7. Athletic teams, students, families and teachers from every school in the district took to the streets of Santa Monica to support the cause. More than $84,000 was raised at the event.

Sharks girls water polo coach Meredith Butte commended her team, which took part in the race and raised more than $500 for its upcoming season.

“I am very excited for the girls’ upcoming season,” Butte said. “…I am so proud of the girls for stepping up and raising money for our team.”