Get with the MCLC


    In the July 13 edition, Ted Vail made a misleading statement in his Letter to the Editor in reference to the Malibu Coastal Land Conservancy (MCLC): “Among this gang of 13 were many of the usual suspects who regularly and vocally oppose any growth whatsoever in Malibu.”

    To begin with, the MCLC is a grassroots local community organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the unique and wonderful quality of life for all the residents of Malibu since 1998.

    In fact, as an organization dedicated to responsible growth that will insure the quality of life we all cherish, we continue to work with a myriad of individuals and groups in a cooperative, collaborative manner to solve the complex growth challenges that face our community.

    MCLC is a broad-based community organization that includes the support of thousands of residents, surfers, seniors, students, equestrians and property owners who all agree that the City, serving all its residents, should take an active roll in the LCP process in a legal and democratic way.

    MCLC would like to have an LCP that gives the city control over its own destiny, that reflects the communities desire to remain rural and that protects the rights of all its residents.

    Simply put, we want clean air and water for ourselves and future generations. We want sustainable development that is of environmental, social and economic benefit to the community. It is curious that Mr. Vail and whoever shares his views would oppose this for the community.

    We believe increased dialogue will help resolve any disagreements and help insure the health and reasonable growth in our community. As a community organization we welcome the communities participation and questions. We can be reached by email at MALIBUCLC@AOL.COM or call us at (310) 317-1011.

    Bob Purvey,

    Member of the Board