A boon from the king


    I am responding to publisher Arnold York’s July 29 editorial titled “Malibu Yankees in King Rusty’s Court.” While I take some exception to the royal appointment conferred upon me in the title, I do, however, hold the rather unique perspective of having served in the state Legislature as well has having chaired the state Coastal Commission. It is because of my professional experiences that I am offering my time and effort to resolve these issues. These experiences have sensitized me to coastal planning matters and the pressures that communities like Malibu and their representatives face up and down California’s coastline.

    Mr. York’s article gave little credit to the earnest efforts that Mayor Keller and Mayor Pro Tem Carolyn Van Horn have made on the city’s behalf. Both have a difference of opinion with my department and they have been persistent and outspoken in representing the city’s interests at several meetings here in Sacramento, as well as on our June tour in Malibu. We have a tough job ahead of us in addressing several long-standing issues that will soon transition into legal actions if we aren’t proactive in trying to resolve them. I am hopeful that we will be able to reach an agreement that will provide ball fields for Little Leaguers and satisfied community neighbors as well as coastal access and resource protection for all Californians.

    Balancing the main tenets of the Coastal Act, resource protection and public access, with local community needs is a painstaking, elusive process anywhere on California’s coast, particularly in Malibu. While one may or may not agree with the eventual outcome of these discussions, we should avoid shortchanging the efforts of representatives who, in my judgment, appear to be doing their best to win what’s best for the citizens of Malibu.

    Rusty Areias


    California State Parks