Malibu Pie Festival Pie Bakers , The Winners

There was a long line of items up for auction during the Mallibu Pie Festival. TMT/Devon Meyers


1st Place, Holly Van Every, Berry Pie

2nd Place, Curtis & Danielle Senffner, Wild Himalaya Berry Pie

3rd Place, Debra Cole, Classic Cherry


1st Place, Ilene Mickens , Key Lime Pie

2nd Place, Vincenza Kelly, Key Lime Merisse

3rd Place, Mimma Schiro, Tiramisu


1st Place, Rebecca Gray, Orange Chocolate Pecan

2nd Place, Diane Jenson, Mint Chocolate Parfait


1st Place, Lori Crystal, Aunt Stacy’s Famous Cheesecake

2nd Place, Adrienne Clune, Ruskaney Lemon

3rd Place, Rossana Zaretti, Limón cello Cheesecake


1st Place, Adrienne Clune, Country Apple

2nd Place,Lori Crystal, Crystal Apple Pie

3rd Place, Veronique De Turenne, Farmhouse Apple Pie


1st Place, Dorothy Reinhold, Creamy Vanilla Pecan

2nd Place, Deborah Keller, Country Pecan

3rd Place, Dorothy Reinhold, Molasses Pecan

3rd Place, Vincenza Kelly, Pumpkin Pecan


1st Place, Kevin Taylor , Kevin’s Key Lime

2nd Place, Malibu Kitchen, Mixed Berry Lattice

3rd Place, Malibu Kitchen, Apple Crumble Pie

Kids 6 & Under

1st Place, Paulette Ferket’s MMNS Class Candy Apple Pie

2nd Place, Ashley Zimmerman, Apple Pie

Kids 7 – 9

1st Place, Chole Sharaibuti

2nd Place, Tiffany Martin, Butterfinger Cheesecake

3rd Place, Jake Keller, Apple Pie

Kids 10 – 12

1st Place, Ava Ellis, Patriotic Cheesecake

2nd Place, Amber, Jade, Ciara Collins-Parnel, The Trips Chocolate Meringue Puddin’ Pie”

3rd Place, Nolan Pearson , Apple Pie


Susan Baltrushes, Sharon Barovsky, Jade Bates, Lena Belvin, Debra Bianco, Candace Bowen, Darrell Brooke, Deborah Caraway, Vicki Chapman, Brad Davis, Claire Davis, Lou Drobnick, Dr. Elliot Felman, Joe Flanigan, Bryon Gabbard, Jan Harrington, Dr. Jeff Harris, Jill Harris, Scott Hosfield, Bill Jeffrey, Douglas Jones, Julie Jones, Mark Kelly, Krystina Kodomichalos, Kim Ledoux, Nancy Levy, Russell Martin, Jill Matthews, Mike Matthews, Linda Meadows, Patti Mehring, Patricia Nazario, Becky O’Mara, Remy O’Neill, Steve Posey, Michael Preece, Dylan Robbins, John Savage, John Silbert, Martha Thatcher, Pamela Ulrich, Hans VonKruger, Nidra Winger, Kathy Wisnicki and Barry Yates.