Ms. Hoffman’s Letter to the Editor of Feb. 21, expresses concern about the fairness of the informational forum for Malibu City Council candidates to be held Thursday (tonight), from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Webster Elementary School Auditorium due to its being sponsored by Lily’s Cafe Steering Committee.
True, the format is different than most typical forums, yet we have attempted to avoid the very concerns she has. All of the candidates received the agenda three weeks ago and all have accepted our invitation.
As to my endorsement of Beverly Taki and John Wall for City Council, I did this not as a member of Lily’s Cafe Steering Committee, but as a former mayor, councilmember and longtime resident of the City of Malibu.
As yet, Lily’s Cafe has not endorsed candidates and may not, but it has the legal right do so as a registered “General Purpose Committee” with the State of California. I am also not the “founder” of Lily’s Cafe Steering Committee but serve as its secretary-treasurer. Tom Fakehany and Doug O’Brien serve as chair and vice-chair respectively.
It’s true that Lily’s Cafe Steering Commission was responsible for spearheading the No Vote (38 percent) defeat of the poorly written $15 million bond measure “K”, but it should be noted that in the prior advisory measure election for this bond, it received a 40% No vote without any organized opposition.
Hoffman also states that John Wall and Beverly Taki did not support the aforementioned Park and Bond Measure. How does she know how they voted? I personally never asked them as a condition of my endorsement and do not intend to even now.
John Harlow