Stepping up to fight cancer


    As a 15-year breast cancer survivor, I joined 15,700 Southlanders at the Rose Bowl on Oct. 24 to participate in the American Cancer Society’s 3rd annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. I joined with other survivors and their families as well as teams from business, community groups, government, schools, entertainment and hospitals who together raised approximately $800,000 for the fight against breast cancer.

    Through my volunteer work with the American Cancer Society’s Look Good Feel Better program, I work with women who are undergoing cancer treatment to deal with appearance-related side effects of their treatment.

    I dream of a day when no woman will ever have to face the horror of this disease. The groundswell of support on Oct. 24 brought us closer to making my dream a reality. Thank you to every single walker and their pledge supporters. Your commitment to the American Cancer Society’s groundbreaking breast cancer research, education, advocacy and patient service programs has made a difference. I urge anyone with outstanding pledges to send them in so that this critical work can continue. Together, we have taken a giant step toward a world free from cancer.

    Shelly Hill Grant