Letter: Opening the Fields

Letter to the Editor

Malibu is always concerned about the shortage of sports fields here in Malibu. 

I have lived in Malibu forever, and although I don’t have any children attending Malibu High School, I have always been a financial supporter with my property taxes and direct donations to the Malibu High athletic programs. 

This year, I was asked for a donation under the matching grants program and contributed $400 to the Shark Fund, earmarked on the check for baseball. Needless to say, I was shocked when I saw the girls softball coach put locks on the upper softball field. This field is locked seven days a week and only available to the girls softball team. These are personal locks and not even other physical education teachers at the high school have access. The girls softball coach is not a teacher nor a faculty member of the high school. Besides the school student body and teachers not having access to the field during school hours, the neighbors and little league have been denied access to this field. 

All of the other fields at the school are open and used on a daily basis. I have no comprehension of why a coach is allowed to make a student and taxpayer field private. 

I have contacted MHS, the City of Malibu Parks and Recreation Department, City Council members, the City Manager and the school district, yet the fields remain locked. 

I will not contribute to the Shark Fund again if it continues to turn its back on the needs of our community. 

Terry Lucoff