From F-M 99.1 … KBUU News … the Monday Headlines


From F-M 99.1 … KBUU News … the Monday Headlines

  • = A huge jump in the number of local Covid cases … about 10 percent in the past three days.
  • = 188 Covid cases reported in public and private schools that reopened in Ventura County.
  • = Red Flags up … winds already blowing at 28 miles an hour at sunrise up in the mountains.
  • = And those strong winds will be hot … we could see almost 80 degrees on the beaches tomorrow.
  • = Malibu City Hall will be closed … but busy … this week.
  • = A big new project at the Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue goes before the Planning Commission tonight.
Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … from Radio Malibu …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.