Lumbering angels


    On Oct. 2, one could hear the sound of little hands at work on the front lawn of the Civic Center: children painting benches being built by Malibu Labor Exchange workers. Webster Elementary School’s Community Service Program was at it again! Last spring, the program provided organizational, labor and material support for the giant splash of a mural on Webster’s playground. Last summer, Webster children provided peanut butter and jelly to the Labor Exchange. This fall, we wanted to deepen our commitment. We dreamed of building benches with the Labor Exchange workers, because so many of them must sit on the ground, waiting for work.

    Dreams sometimes cannot come true without a Fairy Godmother. Imagine Ron Cina, Malibu Lumber’s Manager, with wings and a magic wand. Malibu Lumber generously gave over $600 worth of paint and supplies for our mural last year, so we decided to ask him to help us again. This year, he provided all of the lumber for the benches. What’s more, Ron responded immediately and enthusiastically to both requests, simply asking us what we needed and providing it without hesitation. Malibu Lumber employees got involved: they mixed paint, cut lumber and provided advice about how to best proceed with these projects.

    What excellent role models these Malibu Lumber individuals are for the Webster children who aspire to make Malibu more beautiful and humane. If the kind hearts and helping hands of Webster children, Labor Exchange workers and Malibu Lumber inspire you, please join us. We are trying to raise the money, about $1,000, to erect a simple canopy over the benches to protect the workers from rain and sun as they wait for employment opportunities. If you would like to donate any amount, large or small, please contact Malibu Labor Exchange Board President Mona Loo, at 310.457.1614.

    Deirdre Roney

    Webster PTA co-president