Did he or didn’t he?


    I believe it is time to set the record straight regarding what occurred at the Malibu Park Homeowners Association when John Wall was asked for his endorsement of the Parks and Land Bond. As Laureen Sills reported, John urged the Homeowners Association not to endorse the Land Bond on the grounds that “kids and parks” were political issues, and when asked to sign a personal endorsement of the bond, John did indeed refuse. As the person who went to the meeting to request their endorsement, I have a very clear memory of the facts.

    Laureen Sills dedicated a lot of her time selflessly to work as a volunteer for the Parks and Land Bond and Herb Broking made an unfair recent attack on her for clarifying John Wall’s position on the bond. John now claims to have supported the Parks and Land Bond but that is not consistent with the record.

    Ken Kearsley