SMMUSD Student Meal Service to Continue During Summer

Cafeteria manager Venecia Benjamin presents a bagged lunch during the first day of lunch pickup at Webster Elementary during school closures during COVID-19.

Food-insecure Malibu families can look forward to ongoing student meal service provided by the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District throughout the summer months.

Breakfast and lunch will be available for pickup at Webster Elementary from 8-10 a.m. on Mondays through Fridays throughout the summer, except on July 3. 

“We understand that many of our families are struggling right now and these meals are providing an important service,” Superintendent Dr. Ben Drati said in a statement provided by the district. “We are working to support our families during this difficult time, including over the summer.”

Meals are available to all students under the age of 18, regardless of enrollment. A parent or guardian must be present. They may also be picked up at one of three Santa Monica sites:  Santa Monica High School, McKinley Elementary and Will Rogers Learning Community.

The meal service will continue at least until school resumes on Aug. 20; if remote learning continues, meal service may also continue. “SMMUSD will announce plans for back to school meal service and details regarding fall academic programs in late summer,” information from the district stated.