Beach access no problem


    Poor Kenneth R. Weiss (L.A. Times reporter who has written about beach access issues.) It has become more than apparent in the last few months that he has a very personal and perhaps political agenda against Malibu and those evil people who he perceives have more money than he. Oops, did he forget about something called the American Dream? Or are we not allowed to have that anymore? Is he somehow affiliated with the California Coastal Commission, on the payroll?

    Yes, I live in Malibu. No I don’t live on the beach and doubt seriously that I will ever have the bank account of some of the wealthy people who do. Does this bother me? No. Why? Because up and down the coast are countless public beaches including Malibu’s Zuma Beach. Purportedly the largest public beach on the entire West Coast.

    Maybe Kenneth should come out and check out that enormous public beach weekdays and most weekends anytime between September and June and he will find the safe public parking lot built for the thousands of would-be beachgoers nearly EMPTY.

    Don’t cry about the need for more beach access when the affordable, well maintained, wide open miles of pristine sand, bathroom and showers accommodated, food and beverage provided, huge easy parking lot, trash cans and yes, even lifeguard secured beach remains virtually unused for the majority of the year.

    Perhaps Kenneth believes that the majority of people would rather park on the narrow shoulder of PCH, run across the busy, dangerous highway, meander across strangers’ yards, stretch out on a narrow swatch of sand smack in front of someone’s living room window, have no bathroom access for the 4-8 hours that they lounge. (Oh I forget there is always the ocean and under homeowners’ decks.) Be careful not to drown as there are no lifeguards, not get hungry or need to rinse off in a nice shower.

    And a word to the neighbors on the coast who also have more than Kenneth. Santa Barbara, Mendocino, Laguna, Palos Verdes-watch out. Supported by the Los Angeles Times, you are on Kenneth’s list, too.

    J. Flora-Katz