Plenty of pie for everybody

Anders Pearson celebrates his victory in the 2005 pie-eating contest. Photo by Hayley Brooks Wichman/TMT

The Malibu Pie Festival raises money for the Malibu United Methodist

Church youth and family programs, plus its community outreach

efforts. This is the newly hired senior pastor’s first festival.

By Jonathan Friedman / Assistant Editor

Whether it’s baking or eating them-or perhaps both—most everyone likes a good pie. And there will be a large supply of cake’s cousin at the Malibu Country Mart on Oct. 6 for the 18th annual Malibu Pie Festival.

Sponsored by the Malibu United Methodist Church with support from many individuals and groups in the community, the festival includes the highly competitive baking competition. Usually, approximately 50 contestants from Malibu and elsewhere in Southern California compete in the contest.

“These are very serious pie bakers, and they want their pies to be judged,” said Kat Meyer Smith, the office manager at Malibu Methodist.

The top three adult bakers will be chosen in five categories; apple, fruit, cream murrain, cheesecake and nut/chocolate. There is also a children’s competition, with the youngsters competing by age group. “We ask for brave judges in the kids’ contest,” Smith said, joking.

Celebrities and local leaders will judge the baking competition. Those expected to do the taste testing this year include actors John Savage and Barry Bostwick, actress Judy Carmen, Assemblymember Julia Brownley, The Malibu Times salesperson Mary Abbott, local religious leaders and officials from the Malibu Labor Exchange.

There will also be a pie-eating contest for children. The competitors will be given one vanilla pudding pie apiece, and the first one to finish will receive a T-shirt. All contestants will earn ribbons that say, “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.”

“It’s usually open for children, but sometimes we get an adult, perhaps a young adult, who enters too,” Smith said.

In addition to the pie contests, there will be plenty of pies and other food and drinks for people to purchase, and activities such as face painting, and arts and crafts for children will be available. Plus, The Melvin Eddy Blues Band and Steve Cole’s Jazzmaster Band will perform.

Former Malibu High School principal Mike Matthews will be the event’s master of ceremonies. And Senior Pastor Andrew Mattick, who joined the church this year, will be in attendance with his family for his first pie festival.

“He’s fabulous,” Smith said. “We feel lucky to have him.”

The annual festival raises money for family and youth programs at the church and outreach efforts for the community, including its youth 12 Step programs.

The Pie festival takes place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The pie judging begins at 12:15 p.m. Malibu Country Mart is located at 3835 Cross Creek Road. More information about the event and information on entering the baking contest can be obtained by calling 310.457.7505.