Letter: Saving America

Letter to the Editor

Reading the article about Cindy Crawford in The Malibu Times, I thought my reaction was interesting.

When I saw her picture, my thoughts were not on the article, but on an example of a person whose life is working well. Her husband has a restaurant; she has a line of beauty products. Hand in hand, they walk.

There are many other examples of people who seem to have it all figured out — no drama, just onward they walk, quietly and seemingly happily. 

Reflecting on the sad killing of the man who was only 18 years old in Ferguson — whatever the truth is, he will never live life and never experience love.

I wish America would again be able to focus on what unites us. Let no one live in the illusion that we are doing just fine. America is bleeding and bleeding badly.

Wallis Annenberg said in an article in the LA Times that we are at a point now that no matter what party is in “power,” we are all at the mercy of the bureaucrats that stay.

Today, America must protect itself. We have had no federal budget in six years and our debt is skyrocketing. No matter if it is a democrat or a republican, let us not wish “ill” of the person in the White House, but heal America.

Friends, if the increase in shootings and crime does not stop, we may soon find ourselves in a situation where the government will be forced to declare Martial Law simply to restore order. 

Best wishes to our many brilliant residents. See that America is bleeding while we are yelling at each other. Everyone, please work in whichever small way to stop the madness and to save the finest nation ever.

Morten “Marty” Wengler