Felicitations, FPPC


    I would like to thank the California Fair Political Practices Commission for its thorough, courageous and objective inquiry into the devious campaign practices and ongoing political cover-up being perpetrated by the so-called Malibu Citizens for Less Traffic. I note that Gil Segel and his cronies are desperately throwing up every obstacle possible to avoid telling the truth about who is behind their shameless personal attacks, character assassination and development lies.

    I realize that the “Citizens?” believe that they are above the law because they have a few part-time resident Malibu superstars and their army of publicists backing them (anonymously, of course). I hope that the judicial system will not be blinded by star power and will instead uphold the law.

    The Malibu Citizens spent a fortune – in violation of the law – to conduct a vicious campaign of anonymous innuendo, vilification and character assassination. Now they are lying and covering up in an effort to hide who was paying for this disgusting campaign. The Malibu Citizens and the Road Worriers and their secret financial backers have a right to be ashamed of what they did. But the law says the public has a right to know who bankrolled this slick political operation. I urge the FPPC and law enforcement to continue their quest for the truth and to punish the criminal behavior they uncover.

    Steven Long