Programs fight abuse


As a parent of two teenagers attending Malibu High School, I’d like to address some of the misleading statements and generalizations made in last week’s letter, “Deep into drugs.” This letter does a great disservice to our community, as there are many individuals and organizations reaching out with drug and alcohol programs.

Malibu High School is at the top of this list. “Angels at Risk” brings youth and their parents together with certified drug and alcohol counselors to take control of their addiction. Middle schoolers at MHS receive regular drug and alcohol education from the Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station. The eighth grade Counsels program addresses difficult situations and decisions that teenagers must confront, and the freshman health curriculum focuses on drug abuse and addiction.

This spring, 10th-12th graders will participate in an intensive program on drinking and driving. The Boys and Girls Club offers “Smart Moves” after school to help teenagers make good decisions. And, MHS sponsors an anonymous “Tip Line” for information about drugs and crime. Every tip is followed up on (800.78.CRIME).

Having said all of this, Malibu High School is not a law enforcement agency, a correctional facility or a rehab center. It is a school charged with giving our kids a first-rate education. Test scores, college acceptances and national rankings indicate that MHS is doing its job well. And while the school and community organizations will continue to offer the programs mentioned above, the job of prevention, intervention and responsibility begins at home.

Sandy Thacker

President, MHS PTSA