Obituary: Leah Belle Sauter

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Leah B. Sauter was born Leah Belle Spangenberg in Monrovia, Calif. She graduated from Huntington Memorial Hospital School of Nursing with a master’s degree from USC in a ceremony at the Rose Bowl in 1952, after previously studying at UCLA and Pasadena City College. Leah and Walter A. Sauter were married on Jan. 23, 1954. Her family will remember Leah as a devoted wife, an exemplary mother and a caring community member, always active, whether through being involved in her church choir, Girl Scouts, PTA or participating in singing at the annual Handel’s Messiah performance, which she did five times. Leah and Walt also enjoyed square dancing for many years. At the age of 94, Leah died on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020, at Sunrise Villa assisted living in Culver City, “passing away from this life into glory to join her husband Walt,” her family wrote. She is survived by their children, Karl, Karen, Susan and Kathleen; 15 grandchildren; and a growing crop of great-grandchildren. She will also be missed by the many who knew her through her nursing work and the family’s life in Topanga and Malibu, and through 53 years of dedicated service to their church. 

“Her heart was full of love, care and concern for all who knew her,” a loved one shared.

The tentative date of her Celebration of Life service via Zoom is Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021.

In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Leah would be welcomed by:

• Malibu United Methodist Church, 30128 Morning View Drive, 310.457.7505,

• Cedar-Sinai Interstitial Lung Disease Research Condolences may be expressed at: