25 MPH Speed Limit Coming to PCH – Geffen Donates $150m To LACMA – Drive In Theater This Sat


Detours and 25 miles an hour …. on a P C H where 60 miles an hour is the norm.

Rumors swirl around yesterday’s burglary on Sea Level Drive.

Former Malibu resident David Geffen donates big to the L-A County Museum of Art,

Drinking on the beach this summer … results in 11 hundred 22 tickets .

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  Wednesday ))) news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.

Good morning Winding Way West!

Detours Soon, 25 MPH Signs Up Now, On PCH 

Detours are supposed to go up tonight …. and the 25 miles an hour signs were up this morning on a stretch of P C H at Escondido Beach.

The four lanes are going to be scrunched over … up against the hillside.

It appears the scrunching over detour will go up tonight.

The shoulders are going to be gone … signs up that bikes have the right to use a full lane.

All of this will last two years ….

Caltrans is beginning that 5 point 2 million dollar project … to shore up a failing wall .. in an active landslide on P C H at Escondido Beach.

K B U U Unit 2 reports the signs require first a 35 mile an hour speed limit … then drop to 25 miles an hour.

But the actual detours have not yet been set up …. it appears that Caltrans is going to install the cement railings tonight.

This is on P C H in both directions …. between Latigo Canyon Road and Escondido Creek … near paradise Cove.

Burglary Details Still Untold

We’re still getting details on yesterday’s burglary at  Sea Level Drive.

Rumors are sweeping the internet … but we don’t have confirmation on many of those and thus don’t report them.

What we do know and have confirmed is that one burglar is arrested … the other got away.

There is more to this story … we’ll have details when we get a preliminary report from the sheriff.

Geffen Donates $150 Million To LACMA

Former Malibu resident David Geffen has pledged 150 million dollars to construct a new Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Geffen … who now lives in New York City … is a longtime music producer.

The L-A Times says the music impresario and philanthropist has made a gift that is the largest gift in American history towards the construction of a new museum building.

His gift raises the total money gathered to 450 million dollars …. which is nearly two thirds of the 650 million dollars needed for the project.

LACMA plans to tear down virtually the entire existing museum …on Wilshore Boulevard next to the La Brea Tar Pits.

The new building … to be called the David Geffen Galleries …

The L-A Times says the new building is arguably the most anticipated new piece of architecture in L.A. since Frank Gehry’s Walt Disney Concert Hall opened in 2003.

Summer Beach Team Reports Arrests and Citations

Summer’s over … and the Beach Team has its annual report.

The Beach Team is the special assignment of LA County sheriff’s deputies … eight of them … who are brought in by the city to patrol the area during peak summertime season.

In addition to the eight deputies and one sergeant … city funds were included to cover the cost of several key support elements … including a dedicated traffic patrol car and motorcycle patrols … parking enforcement … and traffic control.

Not to mention the sheriff’s helicopter …stationed out here … it discovered a dead person inside a car that had rolled down a cliff.

The city even paid for secretarial services needed to process the large amount of enforcement

paperwork generated by the team throughout the summer months.

How much paperwork??

977 tickets for speedign and other traffic violations..

58 hundred 64 parking tickets.

31 towed vehicles.

Citations were written for people drinking alcohol on the beach … 11 hundred 22 tickets for that.

The were four felony arrests …. and 25 people with outstanding warrants were arrested.

In addition to the above citations, 81 lost children were reunited with their families by the beach team this summer.

Surfside Way Re-Repaving Set For Tomorrow

The City of Malibu street resurfacing project for this summer is over.

Except part of one street has to be redone.

The slurry seal laid down by a private contractor on Surfside Way failed to adhere.

Its been shedding copious amounts of cinders and black particles.

And it still smells of fresh oil after six weeks.

City engineers agree there’s a problem.

Surfside Way will be ground up and repaved …. tomorrow morning.

Eight houses and one radio station will be affected … cut off for the day.

That is the location of the KBU studios … and this conflict of interest note … we very much appreciate the city fixing this problem.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))

Arthur Janov, “Primal Scream” Author, Dies

No word if there will be any public services for Tom Petty.

And … we have another death to report … here in Malibu.

Arthur Janov died three days ago,

Janov was a psychotherapist … whose “primal scream therapy” had celebrities screaming to release their childhood traumas.

This was a big deal … his 1970 book “The Primal Scream,” made him an international celebrity. His patients included John Lennon, Yoko Ono and actor James Earl Jones.

Janov was a clinical psychologist who became an international celebrity … with his idea that adults repressed childhood traumas …  making them neurotic.

It became the pop psychology flavor of the month in the 1970s.

Athur Janov died Sunday from illness.

Drive In Theater at Paramount Ranch 

From the KBUU Community Calendar …

The Paramount Ranch movie lot … just over the hill near Malibou Lake … will have a drive in movie Saturday night.

People can sit in their cars and watch “Back To The Future” on a big screen.

Or .. bring a lawn chair and a blanket.

The event celebrates cars at the movie set …

Classic cars will be on display in Western Town.

Kids’ activities with Hot Wheels races and a mini-Delorean obstacle course from 4 to 6:30 p.m.

Movie history tours will take place in Western Town at 5 and 5:30 p.m.

The movie screening will begin at 7 p.m.

It’s “Back To The Future”.

Paramount Ranch operated primarily as a movie ranch … the HBO series Westworld was just shot there.

It was also home to a short-lived racetrack in the 1950s.

Snacks can be purchased from concessionaires and food trucks on the site.

The National Park Service is the host.

If you want to show off your classic car … call them over in Thousand Oaks.

That’s “Back to the Future” at a drive in theater … in the field at paramount Ranch at Malibou Lake this Saturday night,


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

Warming …. and a burst of Santa Ana winds are predicted for Friday ..

That’s in two days … as for today … highs around  ((((   76   )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   88   )))) in the mountains above Malibu.

Winds will be gusty.

Downcoast winds will be up to  (((   25  )))) miles per hour this afternoon on the beaches

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    6:32   )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  clear  )))) tonight … a low of  ((((  59   )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   52   )))) in the mountains.

Tomorrow should be   ((((   much the same …. but Santa Anas arrive the day after that. 

with highs near 85 on the beach and winds coming over the mountains and down the canyons.  )))).

At 7 A-M … at Trancas it’s ((((     56   )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((    60   )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   58    )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    64   )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  1 to 2   )))) feet high ….

((((   Minor blend of NW wind swell and S swell. Poor to Fair conditions     ))))

Those are ((((  poor )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((  A five foot plus high tide is at  9:05 AM  .

Low tide is at 3:06 this afternoon.

Another 5 point 5 foot high tide will crest at 9:10 P-M   ))))


The KBU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com .

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