Head for safe haven


I’ve had the honor of seeing all three of our cats (if one includes the civet) on our acreage in the mountains. Of these, the mountain lion seems to inspire the most awe with its sulking, sleek almost supernatural strength. And, like the African cats, it is well aware of its power. It seems puzzling, almost criminal, that there are those who would like to eliminate such a venerable creature simply because of selfish ignorance. It’s reminiscent of the extermination and relocation of the numerous Indian nations that we encountered not so long ago. They were dangerous and problematic as well because they impeded our progress, but the indelible stains of their blood will never be washed from our hands.

A similar indelible shame is occurring with our environment, though not human, no less inhumane, no less poignant. The euphemisms are even similar – legislate and relocate, which equals exterminate. We are taught and encouraged to be fearful of everything, given meaningless numbers to substantiate these fears then justify our irrational behavior by claiming it was fear. Thus, we achieve the highest form of ignorance. Just as we have been forced to change our collective views of human cruelty so do we need to change our views of nature. Very soon our mountains are going to be another sad chapter in the saga of human atrocities to the earth. If one does live in fear of mountain lions, or bears, or sharks or whatever, the solution is simple. Leave their home.

J. Wilson