Clear-cut answers


    Several people have called me and asked several questions [about the Coastal Commission Draft Land Use Plan]. The writings are quite clear!

    1. Does the Coastal Commission LUP allow greater commercial development in the Civic Center than does the city’s General Plan? No! Malibu General Plan (Pg. 1-48) “Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) shall range from a maximum of 0.15 to 0.25.”

    CCC LUP Draft (Pg. 101) “A maximum FAR of 0.15 is permitted, except where public benefits and amenities are provided as part of the project. To allow any other uses, the City must develop a specific plan or other type of comprehensive plan … Such a plan must be adopted by the City and certified by the Coastal Commission as an amendment to the LCP.”

    2. Does the Coastal Commission’s requirement for an Environmental Review Board, in any way, interfere with the administrative authority of the City as was indicated by Councilman Jennings at the meeting held at the Malibu West Swim Club? No!

    CCC LUP Draft (Pg. 56) “The Environmental Review Board (ERB), comprised of qualified professionals … shall serve as an advisory body to the Hearing Officer, Planing Commission and the City Council to review and make recommendations on development proposals within or adjacent to ESHA, or other areas containing sensitive resources as identified through a biological study, as required pursuant to Policy 3.35.” (3.35 only addresses new development.)

    3. The meetings held by the City of Malibu appeared to only present the position of the City Council. Oftentimes, the presenters did not know the answers to the questions. Would it not have been more informative if the position of the other side was presented? Good question!

    Ozzie Silna