DUI/CDL Checkpoint Scheduled for Friday

An LASD deputy questions a driver at a DUI checkpoint in 2013.

A Driving Under the Influence / Driver’s License Checkpoint (DUI/CDL) is scheduled to take place in Malibu overnight on Friday, Feb. 21, from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m.

DUI/CDL checkpoints are intended to screen for drug- and alcohol-impaired drivers, as well as ensure that drivers are properly licensed.

The location for the checkpoint has not been specified. During a checkpoint in January, a total of 16 drivers were arrested.

The LA County Sheriff’s Department’s Malibu/Lost Hills Station will be conducting the checkpoint, which is intended to deter drivers from operating vehicles illegally, as well as remove those drivers from the road.

“Over the course of the past three years, DUI collisions have claimed 49 lives and resulted in 893 injury crashes harming 1,113 of our friends and neighbors,” said Sgt. Joseph Jakl of the Risk Management Bureau. 

Continued checkpoints in Malibu are a response to research that shows that regular DUI checkpoints can cause crashes that involve alcohol to drop at a rate of 20 percent, according to the Sheriff’s Department.