Our Lady of Malibu School, Roots & Wings to Collaborate for Upcoming School Year

News Briefs - Our Lady of Malibu 06.07.18.jpg

Our Lady of Malibu School is partnering with local wellness center Roots & Wings for a “Whole School, Whole Child” program in the upcoming 2018-19 school year.

The program, designed to assist the school at levels—from the staff to the students to the parents, utilizes a number of evidence-based models, including positive psychology, transformational parenting and mindfulness. Teachers and staff will undergo in-depth training while parents will have weekly meetings. Specialists will be on hand during school hours to work with the students on skills like stress reduction, bullying prevention and emotional regulation.

An aspect of the program is “Kids Teach Parents Assemblies,” described as an event “where students lead assemblies to teach parents and other students about the emotional intelligence and positive communication skills they are learning.”