Submit Nominations for the Annual Dolphin Awards

The 2018 Dolphin Award winners (honored in 2019)

Nominations are now being solicited for the annual Malibu Dolphin Charitable Foundation’s Citizens of the Year Dolphin Awards.

The Dolphin Awards are presented to local individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to improving one or more aspects of Malibu’s community life.

The deadline for submissions is Feb. 15.

Dolphin Awards winners are a very diverse group. Some Dolphins have accumulated many years of achievement; others may have only recently found an important way to serve the community. Some have been involved in multiple activities; others have focused on one or two. Some are business professionals, politicians or educators, while still others are retirees, retailers, restaurateurs, homemakers or students. Their interests are as diverse as they are and range from environmental protection to wildlife rescue to education, literacy, the arts, health and safety, teen programs … the list goes on and on. This year, judges are soliciting nominees who have been instrumental in mitigating the unique challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic for individuals, businesses and institutions in Malibu.

To nominate an individual or organization, please write at least 300 words describing your nominee’s contribution and why you think they should be considered. Be sure to include both their contact information and yours, and include enough information (several paragraphs at least) for judges to make an informed decision.

You may submit your Dolphin nomination online at Select “The Dolphin Awards” under the “About Us” tab to upload your nomination letter. Check out the list of previous winners from 1990-2019 alphabetically at

Nominations can also be sent by email to

A physical copy of the nomination letter may be mailed or hand delivered to the Times office at 3864 Las Flores Canyon, Malibu CA 90265.

Note: Last year’s Dolphin Awards ceremony and reception was canceled due to the pandemic; we are hopeful that we may be able to host the Dolphin winners from 2019 and 2020 at a reception in 2021. Last year’s winners were: Woolsey recovery heroes; Geraldine “Gerry” Gilliland; Lenny Goldsmith; Youth Dolphins Andrew Springer and Angel Diaz; Soniya Perl; Robert Moreno; Malibu Film Society (led by president Scott Hillman); and Town & Gown Dolphin Award winner Jeff Baker.