Woolsey Fire Symposium to Be Held Wednesday

Smoke from the Woolsey and Hill fires rolls over the City of Malibu

Malibu residents who did not have a direct experience of the Woolsey Fire are invited to a symposium hosted by the City of Malibu on Wednesday, Sept. 11, to hear from residents affected directly by the fire and its aftermath.

The symposium will include a “moderated panel discussion followed by an open question and answer session.” The following topics will be included: 

• Gaining and maintaining situational awareness

• The benefits of home hardening and ember control

• The effectiveness of defensible space

• Evacuation preparation

• Personal preparedness

• Neighborhood preparedness and cohesion

• Conditions before and after a fire front passes

• What to expect during the recovery phase

The symposium will be held at 6 p.m. at Malibu City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road.