Sirens: Malibu Crime Report Sept. 28 – Oct. 10

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between 9/28 and 10/10:


Dirty Deed

Two doors were broken of a home under construction on Greenwater Road. The victim reported nothing appeared to be stolen from the site, but that several areas appeared to be disturbed during the burglary. 


Beach Bummer

Ray-Ban sunglasses and garage door openers were stolen from a vehicle parked overnight in an apartment complex on Pacific Coast Highway.

Cot Caper

A wallet containing more than $1,600 and debit card was stolen from a sober living attendee. 



An unknown suspect stole a $398 camera from Urban Outfitters around 7:30 p.m. Employees discovered price tags in the men’s restrooms after witnessing a suspect run from the store with an instaxShare camera. 


Snapped Stash

More than $1,000 worth of camera equipment was stolen from a vehicle parked along Pacific Coast Highway. The suspect(s) also stole credit cards from the victim’s vehicle and made purchases at Starbucks and JC Penney.


Fender Bender

A 2012 Toyota was scratched in the Pavillions parking lot around 9:45 a.m.


Swept Off

A $40,000 diamond ring was reported missing around 3:30 p.m. near Westward Beach Road.