FM 99.1 KBUU Radio’s Malibu News You Need This Morning

= Schools will reopen this fall … with the end of the color coded tiers.
= The Santa Monica school board wants to go into secret session to fight Malibu.
= Malibu residents can give them their opinions about that… tomorrow at 4 pm.
= Questions are raised over whether Santa Monica can legally call a secret meeting on Malibu independence.
= Oh good … another new agency taking over land management in the Santa Monica Mountains.
= And a Malibu resident is toying with running for governor … if voters say hasta la vista to Gavin Newsom.
Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … Weekdays 7-9:30 on FM 99.1 and streaming at Miss the newscast? The continuous replay is NOW on FM 99.1 HD2 and COMING SOON to .
Major stories posted later in the day at www.radiomalibu,net
Breaking news stories always go first to the radio, and then the KBUU Facebook page,