County Begins Mailing Election Sample Ballots

Voting Booth

Sample ballot booklets for the upcoming November elections were mailed to active registered voters in Los Angeles County on Friday, according to a release from the city.

Officials with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk office began mailing sample ballot booklets to nearly 5 million active voters and will continue the mailing process through Oct. 14.

Along with important election information, the booklet includes candidates and measures on the ballot. 

An application to request a “Vote by Mail” ballot is included in the booklet, as well as information for voter’s polling location.

Individuals must be registered to vote to receive a sample ballot booklet.

If you are not registered to vote and wish to participate in the upcoming election, visit to register or check voter registration status. Registration closes 14 days prior to an election.

To view the Nov. 4 sample ballot online, click here.