Cutting down



    I am writing to express my absolute amazement and confusion at why Malibu puts up with the “Cookie Cutter” show. Why must we as a community, which prides itself on healthy living, be subjected to this polluted program which runs on our local Malibu channel and at the dinner hour, no less?

    This anti-dog campaign has no class and is of no benefit to anyone. Ms. “Cutter” degrades and demeans others with her words and then becomes surprised when they retaliate with vulgarity and sometimes physical anger. The show runs footage of dog owners yelling very vile and obscene words that I will not repeat here, and the show’s video operator uses words that are totally inappropriate for community television; especially at 5:30 p.m.

    “Cookie” herself tells dog owners, “You deserve to drink your dog’s urine.” I wish Ms. Cutter could see as much filth in her own words as she does in the doggie waste. This display of vulgarity and immaturity should be unacceptable by all Malibu residents, especially parents.

    Sea mammals and birds are not dying from dog urine and feces. The sea-life is reportedly dying because of neurotoxins in algae bloom. My personal belief is that they are actually dying because of the way we have treated each other and the earth for decades with our human pollution, and Mother Earth cannot take it anymore. Cookie claims that Mother Nature “loves” her. Mother Nature loves those who treat others well and with simple human respect.

    Cookie speaks so highly of children but yet uses trash words and disgusting admonitions. She attacks the intelligence of others, yet fails to see the lack of intelligence in her own words, and does not seem to care what child may see her program and hear the vulgarity.

    Ms. “Cutter” speaks of respect for neighbors in one breath, and in the next she insinuates that apartment and condo owners are somehow of a “lower class.” Then we are told by Ms. Cutter to “go get some mental health.” The mental health of others is displayed in the way they present themselves so I suggest Ms. Cutter tone herself down because I feel this program and its host are a terrible representation of our community. Please make no mistake, she does represent us when she says that people will be cited, that law enforcement backs her, and especially when she makes it known that she is a Malibu resident making a public statement on the local Malibu channel.

    Tourists who come here and witness this program must really think we are a vulgar community with no intelligence.

    Alethea Guthrie