Otto Felix


Otto Felix died on Dec. 13. He was 65 years old.

Felix was born on Dec. 31, 1942 in Pittsburgh, Pa. and spent eight years in a Latrobe, Pa. orphanage until the age of 12, when he reunited with his mother. He attended Bellevue Public High School but was asked to leave for trying to ride his motorcycle into the school. He graduated from Fishburne Military School in Waynesboro, Va., attended the University of Pittsburgh, Cambridge College in Boston and graduated from Florida Radio Engineering Institute with a FCC First Class Engineers License. Later, he studied still photography and film psychology at UCLA.

Felix was a member of the National Association of Broadcast Electrical Technicians and the Southern California Broadcasters Association, and worked as an assistant cameraman at NBC on the “Tonight Show” and “Days of Our Lives.

Felix was also an actor, writer and producer, and taught acting and show business techniques for the disabled at the Performing Arts Theater for the Handicapped for two years, and in 1986, founded Handicapped Artists, Performers, and Partners, Inc., a nonprofit theatrical group for disabled performers in the country.

Though a service took place Dec. 23, another memorial for him will take place in later months.