Sirens: Malibu Crime Report Feb. 19-27

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between Feb. 19–27:


Credit splurge

A vehicle was broken into and ransacked near El Matador State Beach. The victim said her purse was left hidden and her credit cards and cash were stolen. The victim was later notified that a total of $2,447 worth of charges were made on her credit cards. 



Stolen then recovered 

Deputies responded to a vehicle theft on Wildlife Road. The security camera showed a male, approximately 16 years old, wearing light colored jeans and a dark colored jacket, approaching the vehicle. The suspect was able to unlock the vehicle using the car key but was unable to turn on the vehicle. The suspect then opened the hood and installed a battery to start the engine and drive northbound on Wildlife Road. The vehicle was later recovered at the Lost Hills/Malibu Sheriff’s Station.



Broken glass

A window was smashed on a vehicle parked on Corral Canyon Road near Castro Motorway. An estimated $5,600 in miscellaneous items including a designer purse, necklace, wallet and sunglasses were stolen from the front passenger seat.



Converter theft

A catalytic converter, along with miscellaneous landscaping and electrical equipment, were stolen from a vehicle on Zumirez Drive. The victim said the equipment was stored inside his unlocked vehicle parked in front of his residence. The victim started his vehicle and appeared to have blown the muffler and saw the catalytic converter and equipment were stolen. The catalytic converter appeared to have been sawed off. The equipment was estimated to cost $230 and the catalytic converter was estimated to cost $2,000 to replace.

Card access

Deputies responded to a burglary on Bonsall Drive. The victim was conducting horse riding lessons in Malibu and received a notification that a $571 purchase was made at a Target in Westlake Village with her credit cards. The victim noticed that her credit card was missing along with $900 in cash. The victim was informed by her employer that the rear window to the company vehicle does not lock and can be forced open.



Shopping spree

Two women stole $1,373.51 worth of items from a CVS Pharmacy on Malibu Road. The store supervisor said the two suspects walked into the store and began to grab numerous items from the shelves, placed them into their bags and walked out the door, setting off the alarm at the front entrance. 



Window scratch

An estimated $200 cash was stolen from a vehicle parked on Latigo Canyon Road. The victim was notified from her place of work that her vehicle was broken into and ransacked. The glovebox and center console were left open and the vehicle registration was taken. The victim believed a tool was used to break into her vehicle by the scratches that were left on her window.