Candidate knows his stuff


At the Malibu Democratic Club’s candidate forum last week, only one candidate stood out as an effective problem solver. It was Barry Groveman.

While serving as an environmental prosecutor 20 years ago, Calabasas mayor/council member Barry Groveman co-authored the statewide safe drinking water initiative, which to this day warns consumers of toxics in our environment.

Santa Monica hired Barry in 1996 to negotiate the initial settlement with the oil companies, which had polluted Santa Monica’s water aquifer with MTBE. That agreement continues to provide millions of dollars annually to the city. The agreement not only guarantees clean water to city residents but also protects them from increased water rates.

As mayor, Barry led the Calabasas City Council to adopt the toughest second-hand smoking ordinance in the nation. All the other candidates at last week’s forum opposed it, even though the state Air Resources Board recently warned Californians that second-hand smoke is a toxic air contaminant and causes serious health problems such as asthma, lung disease and cancer.

If we’re going to prevent the construction of the proposed LNG terminal off the Malibu coast, we’re going to need the toughest and most effective problem solver in Sacramento.

That’s why I am supporting Barry Groveman for State Assembly. He’ll make things happen to protect our environment and our health, not just talk about it.

Carol Kurtz