Calendar events are scheduled in advance and may be subject to change. Verify dates and times by calling the informational number provided. Submission deadline is Friday at 1 p.m. Please fax submissions to The Malibu Times, c/o Calendar Editor, at 310.456.8986,"or"e-mail"to


WED., MAY 12

BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses Laurie Moore’s “Birds of America” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839


CHOIR PERFORMANCE Vintage Voices of Malibu Choir performance at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 5 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

RESPECT FOR LAW The Optimist Club recognizes people from law enforcement and the justice system for Respect for Law Week at Pepperdine’s Fireside Room, 24255 PCH, 7:30 a.m. 317.1630

FRI., MAY 14

KARAOKE Karaoke time at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 2 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

CHAMBER INSTALLATION The Chamber of Commerce installs its new president and board of directors at the Malibu Pier, 6 p.m. $75. Reservations required. 456.9025

DODGERS SALUTE Malibu resident Tommy Hawkins, Vice President, External Affairs for the LA Dodgers hosts the Hollenbeck Youth Center and the Inner-City Games Los Angeles’ “Salute to the L.A. Dodgers” at the Bonaventure Hotel, 404 S. Figueroa St. in Los Angeles, 11 a.m. 323.881.6562

SAT., MAY 15

SPRING FAIR Silent auction, food, rides and games at St. Aidan’s School, 28211 PCH, 10 a.m. $30. 457.8899

GARAGE SALE Annual community garage sale at the Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center, 27040 Malibu Hills Rd. in Calabasas, 7 a.m. 818.880.2993

PLANT RESTORATION National Park Service sponsors a morning of native plant restoration at Zuma Canyon, 9 a.m. 805.370.2301 or 805.370.2317.

ART SHOW Opening reception for “Fixations: Things That Go Bump in My Head,” mixed media works by Kim Zanti at Lobal Orning, 120 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd. in Topanga, 4 p.m. 455.8738

SUN., MAY 16

GOP FUNDRAISER Malibu Republican Women, Federated hosts its annual fundraiser at Malibu West Swim Club, 5 p.m. Call for reservations. 456.3310

DEMOCRATIC FUNDRAISER Arianna Huffington book signing followed by “Bush Clearance” John Kerry Fundraiser, 29057 PCH, 2 p.m. $25. 454.1487

SYNAGOGUE FUNDRAISER Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue dinner dance and fundraiser at Casa Del Mar, 1910 Ocean Way in Santa Monica, 6 p.m. $175. 456.2178.

HAITI DISCUSSION Lunch and discussion on Haiti at Malibu United Methodist Church, 30128 Morning View Dr., 12 p.m. 457.7505

MON., MAY 17

FITNESS CLASS Get in shape at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 1:30 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

WED., MAY 19

BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses T. Coraghessan Boyle’s “Drop City” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839

BENEFIT PARTY Benefit for Malibu High School spring musical, “42nd Street,” followed by special opening night performance.


FINANCIAL LECTURE Money Matters lecture at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 3 p.m. 456.2489, ext. 357

FRI., MAY 21

SENIOR MOVIE Screening of “Legends of the Fall” at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 2 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

SAT., MAY 22

ART EXHIBIT Opening reception for exhibit of Claes Oldenburg’s drawings at Pepperdine’s Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, 24255 PCH, 6 p.m. 506.4851

VENICE ART WALK Opening of two-day event at Westminister School, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd. in Venice, 12 p.m. 392.9255

DRIVING ART TOUR Self-driving tour of 10 Westside art studios and homes followed by art auction preview reception, 12 p.m. $75, or $100 to tour Sat. and Sun. 392.9255

MON., MAY 24

FITNESS CLASS Get in shape at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 1:30 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

GOLF TOURNAMENT The Los Angeles Avengers Arena Football League hosts a charity golf tournament to benefit the Malibu Foundation for Youth and Families at Mountain Gate Country Club, 12445 Mountain Gate Dr. in Los Angeles, 12 p.m. 407.0503


ARTS & CRAFTS Make Origami at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 3 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

WED., MAY 26

WATERSHEDS TASK FORCE The North Santa Monica Bay Watersheds Task Force meets at the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, 4232 Las Virgenes Rd. in in Calabasas, 10 a.m. 455.1030 ext. 104

BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses Alan Paton’s “Cry the Beloved Country” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839


ART EXHIBIT Works of Claes Oldenburg on display from May 22 through Aug. 8 at Pepperdine’s Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, 24255 PCH, 506.4851

ART EXHIBIT Works of Bob Privitt on display through May 12 at Pepperdine’s Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, 24255 PCH, 506.4851

SENIOR SOCIAL Social hour at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., Mondays this month at 11 a.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

WILDFLOWER WALK Volunteers lead wildflower walks every Saturday through May 15 at Charmlee Park, 2577 Encinal Canyon Rd., 10 a.m. 457.7247

OPEN GYM Every Tuesday and Wednesday at Malibu High School, 30215 Morning View Dr., 5:30 p.m. 317.1364

STORYTIME Storytime at the Malibu Library, 23519 W. Civic Center Way, Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. for toddlers and 11:15 a.m. for preschoolers. 456.6438

WALKING CLUB The Malibu Senior Center sponsors an afternoon walking club every Tuesday, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 4 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

ST. AIDAN’S SERVICES St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 28211 PCH, services on Sundays at 7:30, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Childcare available 8:15-11:45 a.m. 457.7966

CHABAD SERVICES Services at Chabad of Malibu, 22933 PCH, every Friday at dusk and every Saturday at 10 a.m. 456.6588

KIWANIS CLUB Meets every Thursday except the second one of each month at Guido’s Malibu, 3874 Cross Creek Rd., 7 p.m. 589.9266

CHRISTIAN 12-STEP MEETINGS Various addiction/codependency issues, Thursdays, 7 p.m., Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd. 317.4293, ext. 104

PT. DUME SHUTTLE SERVICE Drives from Westward Beach to the Point Dume Natural Preserve on weekends and holidays; leaves every half-hour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 805.488.1827

HELP FOR HOMELESS Dinner and Bible Study, Thursdays at 7 p.m., Webster Elementary School. Call Holly at 818.880.6372 or

MOMMY AND ME CLASSES At Malibu Gymnastics, 589.5538, at Gan Malibu Preschool, 454.0499

A.A. MEETINGS At St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 28211 PCH, Fridays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 6:30 p.m. 457.7966

LIBRARY LIMO Weekly bookmobile at Point Dume Shopping Center on Heathercliff Road, Tues., 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. 456.8572

MALIBU ORCHID SOCIETY Meets the third Tuesday of every month at the Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club, 901 Haverford Ave. in Pacific Palisades, 7 p.m. 395.1753

BIBLE STUDY Nondenominational women’s Bible study in Malibu on Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. 455.2675

ROTARY CLUB Meets every Wednesday at Pepperdine’s Fireside Room, 24255 PCH, 7:30 a.m. 456.6958

PRAYER & WORSHIP Prayer and healing service at Malibu United Methodist Church, 30128 Morning View Dr., Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Worship celebration on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 457.7505